Mother-in-law in the house, daughter-in-law out of house!

Pune, Court has slapped a daughter-in-law living in a flat in the name of her mother-in-law with the sole intention of grabbing the flat even though she took the house on tenancy agreement. The court has ordered the daughter-in-law to vacate the mother-in-law’s house. Cantonment Court First Class Magistrate C. N. Ondare gave this verdict.

The flat should be vacated within one month from the order, no domestic violence should be done to the mother-in-law as well It has been mentioned in the judgment that possession of the flat should not be claimed. Shabana, the daughter-in-law in this case, is employed in IT. While her husband Sameer (names have been changed) is also employed. The couple argued Wife is living with house on lease as it continues.

But she took possession of the house in the name of her mother-in-law to show that she has no house to live in. Mother-in-law is a housewife and father-in-law is retired.

In this case, the mother-in-law has filed a domestic violence complaint against the daughter-in-law. As the daughter-in-law does not accept the father-in-law and mother-in-law in the house,. An application was made in the court to get possession of the house.

The court has also given an interim order to pay Rs 40 thousand alimony in this case. Father-in-law and mother-in-law got the flat where his daughter-in-law lives through ‘gift deed’. But both of them were having to bear a lot of heartache as the daughter-in-law was not allowed them to stay in that house. Therefore, it is mentioned in the application filed by mother-in-law that she should get possession of the house…. Shabana has taken another house on lease. It is the right of the elderly mother-in-law to get their rightful home

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